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Interactive Care Plan

How can a care plan adapt and interact with a patient?


The Problem

Patients with multiple conditions receive separate care plans for each condition. This results in redundant and conflicting information given. Care plans are also unable to adjust to the patient’s fluctuating lifestyle.


The Outcome

A system study visualizing an interactive care plan (ICP) that addresses a wide variety of patients with multiple conditions and shows how it can adapt and interact with patient medical and life events

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Investigation of patient needs

I led interviews with stakeholders and gathered information on patient motivations and desires. Five core patient needs were identified.

1. Need a way to integrate my care into my life

2. I need to know what to do

3. I need to make sense of all this (health and healthcare)

4. I need to communicate with my health team

5. I need to communicate with my family, friends, and peers


I need a way to integrate my care into my life

-key core need of patients


Analysis of current care plans

1. Focused on what to do information

2. Limited interactive elements

3. Geared towards singular conditions

4. No consideration of other medical events


Research Takeaways

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Serve a wide range of patients with multiple conditions

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Improve how care plans integrate within a patient’s daily life

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Demonstrate how interactive care plans can interact with patient life events


How the interactive care plan works



Factors needed to consider to drive and maintain the interactive care plan

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Features and functions

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How are the key insights reflected in the system?


Serves a wide range of patients

System allows for curation of an individualized plan of care using patient preferences, knowledge of current conditions, medications, and predictive analytics


Integrates care into life

By using the patient baseline and preferences and system’s ability to recognize life patterns, the ICP is able to adapt and modify itself to the patients lifestyle


Life events interact with care plan

Using the escalation and de-escalation process, care is continuously adjusting to a patient’s current state of medical and life circumstances

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