How can we improve the recovery process of some of the most painful surgical procedures for children?
The Problem
The two most painful surgeries to recover form at Cincinnati Children’s Hospital are the corrections of chest deformities and the corrections of curved spines clinicians came to Live Well Collaborative looking for creative ways for patients and families to manage pain.
The Outcome
A research study involving benchmarking of pain management methods, journey mapping of stakeholders’ perioperative process, synthesis leading to intervention opportunities, co-creation sessions with stakeholders for solutions, and validation of the solution through stakeholder interactions.
1. Pain management programs
2. Pain management products
3. Holistic modalities
4. Pain mitigation therapies
Co-creation activities with stakeholders created comprehensive solutions
Co-creation in action
Participants in the co-creation workshops went beyond the intended scope of the activity, coining up with even more creative solutions than we had anticipated.
The solutions trended toward information accessibility and increased participation.
The outcome
The solution is made up of 4 components, creating a system that can touch patients and parents through each milestone of their perioperative journey.
(again, its confidential)
Clinicians and patients participated in a validation activity to confirm that the solution is applicable during each phase of the journey.
Cincinnati Children’s is now in the process of turning this system into a reality